
Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Question of Life

If we set our hearts to answer but one very famous question, I am certain that all these questions and doubts will vanish from the horizon, and you will look unto their place to find them gone. 
This indignant question is a question that the whole world asks, namely, “What is the meaning of my life?” In other words, these numbered years of our life that cost us so heavily, and the numerous pains and torments that we suffer for them, to complete them to the fullest, who is it who enjoys them? Or even more precisely, whom do I delight?
It is indeed true that historians have grown weary contemplating it, and particularly in our generation. No one even wishes to consider it. Yet the question stands as bitterly and as vehemently as ever. Sometimes it meets us uninvited, pecks at our minds and humiliates us to the ground before we find the famous ploy of flowing mindlessly in the currents of life as always.
Indeed, it is to resolve this great riddle that the verse writes, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”
Baal HaSulam,
“Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot”

Thursday, January 2, 2014

What Would You Do?

Ask a lot of people what they would do if they only had two weeks to live, and the most likely responses would involve personal gratification, like going to places they've never been or indulging in their favorite meals. Brenden Foster, however, was very different. This 11-year-old boy was diagnosed with leukemia and, when asked about his last wish in December 2007, he didn't request to go to Disneyland or meet his favorite celebrity. Instead, his last wish was to simply feed the homeless.

This very unselfish wish touched the hearts of a lot of locals, who began a food drive as fulfillment to the boy’s dying wish. Over 2,500 meals were served at the Union Rescue Mission in Seattle in Brenden’s honor. On the paper bags that contained the meals, volunteers wrote “Love, Brenden” as a way to keep his legacy alive. While Brenden was too weak to participate in the distribution of foods, he was at least able to live long enough to see his wish come true, before eventually dying in the arms of his mother.